Livable Housing Australia (LHA) Assessments

Livable Housing Australia (LHA) Assessments

Assessor Livable Housing logo

Livable Housing Australia (LHA) is a partnership between community and consumer groups, government and industry. The Livable Housing Guidelines have been developed by industry and the community to provide assurance that a home is easier to access, navigate and live in.

A livable home is designed to:

  • Be easy to enter
  • Be capable of easy and cost-effective adaptation
  • Be easy to navigate in and around
  • Be responsive to the changing needs of home occupants

Our team of accredited access consultants and LHA assessors can evaluate a design or an as-built house to assess whether it meets the Livable Housing silver, gold or platinum levels.

  • Close up accessible level floors between rooms
  • Closeup of front wheelchair wheels going from one level room to another
  • Man in wheelchair in accessible kitchen
  • Man in wheelchair in accessible laundry loading washing machine
  • Close up showing accessible level floors between two rooms
  • Smiling man in wheelchair on accessible ramp entrane to home
Architecture & Access


Level 5, 369 Royal Parade
Parkville VIC Australia 3052

T 1300 715 866


Bowman House, Level 4,
Suite 41B, 276 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia

T 1300 715 866