Paul Theocharous joins OHS Consulting team at Architecture & Access

Paul Theocharous, qualified and experienced civil engineer and OHS professional has joined the team at Architecture & Access.

Paul’s experience includes project management of engineering works and OHS projects for commercial and government clients.

He specialises in working at height, including the development and design of roof height safety systems and roof access.

‘My work has also involved bringing existing sites up to date with current OHS requirements,’ says Paul.

‘This includes assessing access and height safety to rooftops and confined space pit entry to ensure guard rail, ladders and height safety equipment such as anchor points and davit bases meet the relevant Australian Standards.’

OHS Unit Manager Allison Crunden welcomes the addition of Paul’s skillset to strengthen the OHS and Safety in Design service offer for clients.

‘Architects and designers may benefit from our assistance on projects where Safety in Design becomes more technical, for example, roof access, complicated plant, public access, high risk environments such as swimming pools, confined spaces, dangerous goods and hazardous substances.’

‘Safety in Design has become an essential consideration for architects and designers, with federal WHS legislation and state-based OHS laws requiring them to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that the structure to be designed is without risk at any time when used as a workplace,’ says Allison.

The Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Regulations and Codes of Practice extended around the country over two year ago. However, differences remain in Western Australia and Victoria which apply their own state-based laws.

Architecture & Access can advise architects and designers about their WHS obligations under all jurisdictions.

Andrew Sanderson, Architecture & Access director, is delighted to have Paul join the company.

‘Paul provides welcome depth to our OHS consulting services with his engineering and construction experience and specific knowledge around working at height,’ says Andrew.

‘Our clients will continue to benefit from our unique capacity to offer accessibility, OHS and Safety in Design, architectural services and project management under one roof.’

Contact Paul Theocharous or OHS Unit Manager Allison Crunden at Architecture & Access for a conversation about your project, or see our webpage for more information about OHS and Safety in Design services.

For more information about state and federal OHS compliance framework, go the Safe Work Australia website which includes a directory of state-based regulators.

Architecture & Access


Level 5, 369 Royal Parade
Parkville VIC Australia 3052

T 1300 715 866


Bowman House, Level 4,
Suite 41B, 276 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia

T 1300 715 866