Melbourne is experiencing round two of lockdown, and Architecture & Access employees continue to work from home. Cathryn Grant is one of the leaders in the Access Consulting unit. She also has two young school children. We ask Cathryn how she is handling her life?
How have you had to adapt your home during the pandemic? Yes, the spare room is now a shared home-office, and to get Zoom ready I have put up photos and art work that have sat in the cupboard for ages!!
Looking after yourself is important when you are stuck at home, how are you self-caring? What do you mean, I don’t understand the question? 🙂
When you are in lockdown it maybe hard to stay connected with your community. Is there a way you have been able to stay connected? Talking over the fence to the neighbour has been nice, they even made us some masks.
Being a working Mum with school children, how has your routine changed? (I know it’s a ridiculous question to ask a working Mother) Having a routine is good and does provide structure. We have a little daily routine up on the fridge, that includes a short walk in the morning, lesson times, fruit snack time, quiet time after lunch and gin and tonic at 5pm (for the adults).
Have you been able to keep up with the latest fashion or have you created your own unique style? My children asked recently “When are you going to wear shoes again Mummy?”

Being creative can assist some of us and help take our minds off the current situation. Have you discovered a new creative outlet? I have taken up baking sourdough – I know clichĂ©! I have also taken up the Marie Kondo technique and anything that does bring ‘joy’ goes out! Not sure it is creative but it is very cathartic.
Are you benefiting from life simplifying and slowing down? Slowing down – are you serious…. Nothing is more stressful or complex than trying to home-school a 5 year old when google classroom doesn’t work on the iPad!!
What are you most excited about when life returns to normal? Getting out! Sitting in a cafĂ©, bushwalking, wearing nice clothes, going to a concert/theatre. We won’t take these things for granted for a long while.