With this comes the need to grow our team, and concurrently existing employees celebrate qualification achievements
Since our last newsletter we welcome three new staff members to Architecture & Access, Grace, Hoangy, and Veronica.
Veronica Hernandez has joined our Melbourne team as an Access Consultant. Veronica has a degree in Civil Engineering (Bachelor with honours) from Venezuela and studied the master’s curriculum in Environmental Engineering but migrated to Australia before completing her thesis.
For six years Veronica was a landscape estimator, and when she changed from Civil to Landscape, she felt she was a step closer to serving the community as landscaped areas are an interface between infrastructure and the public. “Now that I am at Architecture & Access, I am a step further, as the work I do as an access consultant is of an inclusive nature and helps improve internal and external environments for everyone”, explains Veronica.
‘When I am not working, I am a busy Mum of two and have a passion for natural health alternatives and practicing yoga.’
Hoangy Khuat provides corporate services assistance to our Architecture & Project Management team. Hoangy has extensive experience in providing customer service and has recently completed a Bachelor in Building Design.
“Working at Architecture & Access helps me satisfy my belief that we should live in a world that is inclusive and considerate of everyone,” says Hoangy.
Hoangy loves reading, being creative through art, craft and cooking, and bothering her cat Blinky!
Grace Nguyen comes from a financial planning, banking and accounting background, a very different field to access! Her burning desire was to work in the building and design industry. After graduating in Interior Design, Grace joined Architecture & Access. “I feel like my dream is realised. Working as an Access Consultant has brought meaning into my work by creating more accessible and inclusive spaces for everyone”, says Grace.
Grace likes to explore new places, especially within nature. After work she practices violin and works on keeping fit.
For three of our employees, we recognise their great achievement
Jessica Wong, Judy Lareta and Alex Lye have all recently registered as Architects in Victoria.
Each of them had different pathways of study to gain their qualifications through years of hard work, dedication and personal sacrifice.
Architecture & Access wholeheartedly congratulate them on their achievements.