Moe Life Skills Community Centre is proud to be one of the first organisations in Australia to register a venue with a Changing Place.
The completion of the new Changing Place toilet for Moe Life Skills Community Centre will ensure that this much-needed service is more accessible to the local community.
The Changing Place is the most significant item to date in the planned renovation for the former Masonic Hall site, located adjacent to the existing Moe Life Skills Community Centre in High Street, Moe.
The new space, open in early in 2016, is designed to include people with a disability and value community connections and contributions, themes which are central to the philosophy of the Moe Life Skills Community Centre.
Centre CEO, Dr Carole Broxham says the inclusive and welcoming space will be available for the community to explore ideas and engage in new activities, or to continue with existing activities in a different context.
“The toilet facility ensures that people with severe physical disability and their carers will also be able to more easily participate in activities and contribute to their local community,” says Carole.
The facility has an adjustable adult change table and room coverage ceiling mounted hoist.
David Brown, Projects Unit Manager at Architecture & Access, hopes to see more Changing Places on the drawing board around Victorian communities into the future.
“We see the difference Changing Places makes to people with disability, their families and carers,” says David. “It gives people the same options we all take for granted, the right to participate in the social, economic and cultural life of their communities.”
“Architecture & Access encourages architects and building owners to consider including a Changing Place in their projects, particularly developments which include swimming pools, community hubs, universities and train stations or transport interchanges.”
The Association for Children with a Disability (ACD) led the grass-roots campaign in Australia to promote the rights, health and dignity of people with disability, including the development of the Changing Places Information Kit – a resource promoting the installation of adult changing facilities, launched in February 2015.
For further details please contact Carole Broxham on 5127 7999 or
More information on the Changing Places website.
Please contact Architecture & Access for enquiries regarding the design and project management of Changing Places on 1300 715 866.